Limburg Node to Node
Day Eight, Final Day
:: Thursday, May 26 ::
Maazeik back to bike shop in Opglabeek
about 27 kilometers
Strong winds continued.
We started the day with a plan to bike to the railroad station in Genk where our bikes would get picked up and we would board the train for Brussels. It was a good plan, but Bob shortened our day by not securing a bungee in the way he had every other day. It took a spin around the tire. It did no harm to the wheel, but, for reasons we cannot decipher, it caused the motor and the gears to stop communicating. The electric assist diminished virtually to zero with no response to changes in level of assist. Of course, much of the ride was up hill biking away from the river. We had the option to bike directly to the shop in Opglabbeek where we rented the bicycles, so we took it. Bob claims to have enjoyed some old-fashioned hard work but not the far lower speed. On arrival, our interaction with
Miguel Noukens--owner of the shop and bicycles--was positive and fun. With no request from us, he kindly decided to shuttle us to Genk--eliminating a taxi or bus ride. We had a lively conversation along the way. A negative turned into a positive.
We are delighted with the trip and grateful for the opportunity to explore this beautiful area with our daughters.
We were back in Anderlecht at the Sintobin home by 5:00. Karlyn departed the next morning to join her husband for a week exploring Portugal. Our expected arrival in Fort Collins is June 1.
We cycled about 375 kilometers, and we never got far from where we started. Yet, each day's route was unique--without duplication. We cycled enough kilometers to get from this bike shop at the eastern edge of Belgiam westward to the Atlantic Ocean and most of the way back to where we started. We had fun cycling as a mature family of four in a small area of a small country.
Nodes for Day Eight
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